There are simple ways to eat more healthily when cooking at home or dining out. Perhaps it's swapping certain ingredients for healthier options or trying different, healthier meals when you're at a restaurant or ordering takeaway. Try these 15 easy and delicious swaps to help improve your overall health.

Takeaway meals

Many takeaway meals are high in unhealthy saturated fat, salt and sugar, and usually contain more kilojoules (energy) than we need in one meal.

Here are some healthier alternatives for common meals when you’re eating out and about.

Popular optionHealthier option

Chicken parmigiana and chips

Grilled chicken with baked potatoes and veggies or salad

Indian butter chicken and naan

Tandoori chicken with dahl and one serving of plain rice
Meat pie with creamy mashed potato Baked potato with chilli beef and beans
Battered fish and chips Baked or grilled fish fillets with salad
Donor kebab Falafel in a wholegrain wrap with salad or tabouli
Burger with bacon and fries Grilled steak or grilled veggies and salad in a wholemeal roll
Eggs benedict Poached eggs on toast with avocado
Pancakes with ice-cream or cream Yoghurt or porridge bowls with fresh fruit and nuts or seeds
Pad Thai Thai or Vietnamese salad with chicken or seafood
Pizza Pasta in tomato-based sauce with vegetables or chicken

Home cooked meals

Make healthy cooking easier by trying these recipes in place of other popular home cooked meals. You can also check out the full list of healthy recipes for all mealtimes. There are over 100 to choose from.

Popular optionHealthier option
Steak and chips Beef and vegetable stir-fry (or swap beef with tofu if you’re vegetarian)
Ham and cheese quiche  Scrambled egg muffin sandwich

Fish fingers and chips Simple fish with roast veggies
Chicken nuggets and chips Pesto chicken wrap
Sausage sandwich
Chicken, cheese and pineapple burgers