
Go4Fun is a free 10 week program for New South Wales kids aged 7–13 that focuses on improving their eating habits, fitness and confidence.

It's a great way for kids to get fit by playing fun, active games. Go4Fun programs are led by trained health professionals and take place after school, during school terms.

Program highlights include:

  • weekly games and activities for children
  • fun, interactive discussions to teach easy and effective ways to improve children’s nutrition, physical activity and wellbeing
  • practical demonstrations, games and tips about healthy eating.

Go4Fun Online

If your kids aren’t able to attend the local Go4Fun program, there is an online version of the program.

Go4Fun Online provides information and support to develop healthy habits and is specifically for families in NSW who are unable to attend the face-to-face version of the program.

It includes:

  • 10 weekly online sessions about healthy eating and physical activity for children
  • weekly phone, email and SMS support
  • regular mailouts including recipes
  • rewards and freebies
  • an online community of families
  • tools to track your progress.
Learn more about Go4Fun online

Program testimonial – the Doshi family

The Doshi family joined the Go4Fun Online program to help them make small, simple changes to their lifestyle. The program helped the Doshis improve their health by giving them new ideas about how they could be more physically active as a family, and taking steps to eat more healthily. Watch how they made these positive changes together and how it brought them closer as a family.


Active and Creative Kids vouchers

Eligible families can apply for $50 vouchers from the NSW Government to help pay for enrolment in sport, recreational, creative or cultural activities. Children aged 4.5 to 18 years old who are enrolled in school can each receive an Active and Creative Kids voucher.

Vouchers are available twice a year – in term 1 and term 3. They must be used before their expiry date. 

The voucher can be used for many different types of physical activity including:

  • team sports like soccer, netball, rugby league and more
  • swimming lessons
  • dance
  • martial arts
  • gymnastics
  • tennis
  • holiday program and camps
Apply for a Voucher   Find a provider