Introducing physical activity into your daily lifestyle can help make it easier to stay active over the long term.

If you currently do no physical activity, start by doing some, and gradually build up the recommended amount.

Not sure where to start? Check out our ideas for making activity a habit and try one thing at a time rather than everything at once.

10 tips to create daily activity habits

  • Find something you enjoy

    You're more likely to do an activity regularly if you enjoy doing it. You don't need a gym or expensive equipment, just find something that gets your heart rate up and makes you feel good.

  • Sit less, move more

    Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible. Sitting for many hours each day can affect your health in many ways, even if you are exercising daily. This includes time spent sitting in front of screens. Read our tips to reduce screen time.

  • Plan ahead

    Get your runners or workout clothes out the night before so you are ready to go and put them somewhere visible. This reduces the time you spend thinking about it, which makes it easier to stick to your plans.

  • Focus on the benefits

    Don’t be put off when changes don’t show on the scales. Even without weight loss your body will still benefit from increased physical activity, reducing your risk of many chronic health conditions and supporting your mental health.

  • Warm up

    A warm up before exercise will get your body ready for movement. This will help increase blood flow to muscles, increase flexibility and prevent unnecessary stress on your heart, lungs and muscles.

  • Mix it up

    Your body can quickly adapt to an exercise routine, so over time the same exercise will become easier. Add variety to your exercise routine or increase resistance every few weeks to prevent boredom and ensure that you continue to progress.

  • Try interval training

    Your body will continue burning kilojoules (energy) for longer and you can achieve greater benefits. Try adding bursts of jogging to your usual walk or if you are already jogging try adding short sprints.

  • Protect your back

    Activating your stomach muscles when you are exercising, or even when you are sitting down, will help strengthen core muscles and help reduce risk of injury and lower back pain. To do this, gently pull your navel back toward your spine.

  • Get moving during the ad breaks

    Try some simple exercises while you're watching TV – such as squats, standing repetitively onto your tippy toes, star jumps or marching high knees.

  • Drink water

    Your body loses water through digestion, sweat and breathing. Drinking water throughout the day helps you stay hydrated, which can help improve your metabolism, productivity, exercise performance and brain function. Read our tips for drinking more water.